Friday, January 7, 2011


So, the doctor says as he's showing me images on the pretty screen of my shoulder:  "Here's the dye I just shot into the joint...and this is the Humerus..."   Me:  "Uh I don't see anything humorous on that screen....I'm just sayin'...fix it"  Yup, we had a good laugh... and thank god for that.  I haven't been able to laugh and miss my demented self.  I have been so preoccupied with the chronic pain in my left shoulder...since early September, that I really missed the best parts of the hurts, cooking hurts....sleeping is impossible.  I wonder, sometimes, if it will ever get back to normal.  My family must hate me for the absent, cranky being I've been for so long.  Alas, it can always be worse.  This is true.  So, I breathe, pour another glass of wine....and wait for todays injection to kick in.  Thank you to all my friends, their humor, to my kids for putting up with me...and a special thank you to the love of my life for putting up with me, tending to my moods and for not running away with a passport to anywhere.  xoxoxox

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