Sunday, January 2, 2011

Why Mashed Potatoes you ask?

First and foremost...Happy New Year to all, and, me too.

The Merlot reference is fairly self explanitory, but the mashed potatoes are solely and selfishly, for me.  What isn't more comforting that a steaming bowl of generously buttered spuds.  And 2011 needs to begin with much more comfort..and comfort food... .for lots of reasons.  And ya know what goes good with mashed potatoes?  Merlot.

I have always been told I have a way with words.... a wit.... a quick response to everything...  "you should write a book".  Yup.  Ok, in my spare time.  :)   So, while there will be no book, my New Years Resolution will not only include empty promises of working out at least 5 times per week and cutting back on the foul language (which is only the minimal, acceptable amount...for entertainment purposes)...but, I have decided, in between nursing my frozen shoulder, and yelling at my allergy-laden dogs name to excess for scratching himself silly, and organizing the entire family's schedules.... I shall allow myself to 'put pen to paper'....or spill my words all over my laptop.

In all likelyhood it will be only me reading any of it, and that's ok.  I will vent, share thoughts... seek advise... share recipes, and ponder life's meaning.  Feeding the soul that is me.  I may even learn a thing or two about myself...or at least give my kids something more to laugh at. 

 Anyone in need of a time killer... or wanting to tag along is more than welcome. And so it begins, this second day of January, 2011.  It seems like yesterday I was singing "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head "  (thank you B.J.Thomas)....  from a swing.  Floral dress on, childs' size 6 sandals, a popcicle in one hand... and a loose grip on all that life would have to offer in the other.  Blink.  I am 45.

I still dream of things to come...  and, you know what goes really good with dreams.  You betcha.  Merlot.

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